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Craft Materials

Etch Art Binder Flora and Fauna

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Etch Art Binder Flora and Fauna tch Art:

Flora and Fauna is a mindful pastime encouraging creative expression - simply drawing on the etch art panels with the stylus uncovers bright foil or patterns beneath, making the wildlife-themed images burst to life!

For those who wish to push their etching skills further, they can use this kit to create a forest scene, an owl poster, a bunny birthday card and more!

This kit contains everything the would-be etcher needs to get started, including an etching stylus and eight illustrated etch-art panels, eight blank etch-art panels, a sixteen-page instruction and project book, and three stencil sheets.

Product Dimensions: 290 x 230 x 20mm

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Children are our treasures for tomorrow

The PAUA group covers all aspects of Homebased Pre-schooler care, from homebased care, nannies and Auckland based babysitting to a fully stocked online toy store and professional print and design business.